Our marketplace features prebuilt software to save you money
Find the cheapest solutions to your business needs with our prebuilt software. Once you find something that works for you, we can further customise it for your specific need.

Find the cheapest solutions to your business needs with our prebuilt software. Once you find something that works for you, we can further customise it for your specific need.
Do you take payments from your customers using Stripe?
Do you rely of Stripe for customer subscriptions?
This Stripe subscription portal allows you to quickly and effectively setup subscriptions for your users.
Manage your business and let our software manage and collect all payments for your peace of mind
Do your customers queue for your services?
Are your halls always busy and full of customers?
This Queue Management System helps you to move your queue outside your hall, ensuring your have enough space without compromising on service.
Access all your statistics and performance analytics directly from our software
We go over your needs and business requirements
We develop a strategy to optimise your business success.
We build the first working model of your software.
We thoroughly review the prototype together
We release a final version of your software
We support your business needs so you are never alone.
No matter the size of your business or your budget.
Whether you need experienced software engineers, IT business strategy, technology insights or innovation to add special value to your organisation.
Engage our team of specialists and enjoy your business grow.
We believe software is about empowering people and organisations to realise their full potential. That’s what sets us apart – we believe that great software solutions power great businesses.
We offer custom software applications that support all areas of your business systems.
Our goal is to create innovative solutions that enables your business to be more agile and competitive
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